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Why is having Engaged Employees so Important

Employee engagement is a process of creating and fostering a supportive work environment where employees feel happy to be part of their company. Engaged employees are passionate about the work they do and their company mission.

Having an enthusiastic team makes running a business easier. This ensures that managers are able to focus on processes, innovation, and growth.

When employees are engaged, they are more likely to be more innovative and productive. That’s because employees who feel connected to their workplace and have a deeper understanding of the company’s mission perform better at work than those who lack that deep engagement.

In a study by Gallup, data found that businesses that are the best in engaging their employees to achieve earnings-per-share growth four times that of their competitors. Compared with business units in the bottom quartile, those in the top quartile of engagement realize substantially better customer engagement, higher productivity, better retention, fewer accidents, and 21% higher profitability. Engaged workers also report better health outcomes.

Gallup looked at data from 263 research studies across 192 organizations in 49 industries to study how worker engagement affects performance outcomes in.

  • Customer ratings

  • Profitability

  • Productivity

  • Turnover

  • Safety incidents

  • Theft

  • Absenteeism

  • Patient safety incidents

  • Quality of output

They discovered that the companies with high employee engagement had four times the success rate of companies that scored lowest.

How Employee engagement makes a difference in the workplace.

There are critical components you need to consider for you to accurately track how employee engagement impacts work performance, you need to make sure your employees have;

  • A clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities

  • A sense of belonging and purpose

  • Rewarded and recognized for their contributions and successes

  • Provided with all the necessary tools, training and resources needed for them to excel at their Job

  • An opportunity for them to develop and progress in their career

  • A culture that makes them feel their voices are being heard

  • Good leadership that cared about the well-being of their employees

Understandably, it is easier for people to perform well when they have access to training and development opportunities and when managers recognize their achievements. People will also perform better if they are able to learn new skills and further develop themselves professionally in environments that provide staff with a say in how things are done; this leads to more satisfied employees, who are in turn more productive. This leads to increased job satisfaction, which benefits both you and the organization.

It's on your mind. Do you think about it? Retention is a top priority for leaders. Leaders who commit to the growth and development of their employees will reap benefits from retention, as well as increased employee motivation and job satisfaction among their top talent.

Key areas Employee Engagement can strengthen.

  • Employee Engagement and its impact on Sales

  • Employee Engagement and its impact on Company Revenue

  • Employee Engagement and its impact on Employee Retention

Employee Engagement and its impact on Sales

The impact of a positive employee experience can be felt throughout the organization. When employees are engaged, they are more productive and less likely to leave. They report higher satisfaction with their roles and have a greater sense of belonging to the company. And when employees are happy, it has a ripple effect that extends to the customer experience.

In fact, research shows that engaged employees can increase sales by up to 20 percent! Employee engagement is also good for your bottom line—companies with high levels of engagement see 147 percent higher earnings per share than those with low levels of engagement. So how do you keep employees engaged? The answer is simple: create an environment where they feel valued and empowered. To do this, you need to understand what motivates each individual employee. .

Employees want to know they are making an impact on the company’s success; they want feedback and recognition for their efforts; and they want to feel like part of a team. In other words, they want to feel seen and heard! Studies show that employees who feel recognized are more than twice as likely to stay at a company than those who don’t receive feedback on their work.

To do this, you need to understand what motivates each individual employee. Employees want to know they are making a difference in their work; they want feedback and recognition for the right reasons; and they want to feel like part of a team instead of just another cog in the machine.

Employee Engagement and its impact on Company Revenue

Employee engagement and its impact on company revenue is often overlooked by many business owners. It is important to understand the relationship between these two factors because your employees are vital to your long-term success. If you want to increase productivity, reduce turnover, and improve customer satisfaction, then employee engagement should be a top priority for you. Here's why:

Engaged employees work harder than those who are not engaged. They are also more likely to stay with your company longer, which will help lower turnover costs. In addition, engaged employees feel like they belong at their workplace - something that pays off in spades when it comes time to ask them for referrals and recommendations on social media sites like LinkedIn or Facebook. That's because people who feel connected tend to share more information about their experiences with others than those who don't feel connected at all!

Employee engagement has been linked directly to profits. According to a recent study from “The Journal of Organizational Excellence,” companies in the top quartile for employee engagement outperformed those in the bottom quartile by 147% in earnings per share. So yes, it does matter whether your employees are engaged, and yes, it does lead to greater productivity and higher profits.

We've talked before about how employee engagement can increase sales but what if we told you that there's an even bigger reason why businesses should care about this topic? Employee engagement also affects customer satisfaction levels - which ultimately affects customer loyalty rates too! When employees feel valued and respected, they'll go above and beyond just doing their job well; they'll be motivated by a sense of purpose

Employee Engagement and its impact on Employee Retention

When you think about employee engagement, what comes to mind? Is it something that you're doing right now, or was it a term that you heard somewhere along the way? Employee engagement is sometimes not given the attention that it deserves by some employers because of its close association with employee satisfaction and happiness. If you have an engaged workforce, then they are more likely to be happy and satisfied in their roles. This is a good reason to put your focus on employee engagement, but there is so much more to it than just making employees feel good at work.

Employee engagement is about providing employees with the tools and resources to do their best work for your organization. It's about making sure that your employees are empowered and encouraged to come up with new ideas that could help your company grow and succeed. It's about developing a culture of trust and respect where employees feel valued for their contributions. When an employee is engaged at work, they're more likely to want to stay for the long haul because they feel like their efforts are appreciated and that they're part of something bigger than themselves. An engaged employee will also be happier in their role because they're doing work that matters to them as well as being recognized for their contributions.

Tips to improve Employee Engagement at your Company

Having engaged employees is a reality, but it's also just as much of a myth. Although there are many ways to improve employee engagement, our recommendation would be to start small and don't go overboard.

If you want to get started with a specific employee, the best course of action is to go easy at first, and try to see if there's something unique they need that they feel they're not getting from their job. If you're unsure what to do, don't be afraid to ask them questions.

A lot of the time, employees will tell you exactly what they need in a way that's not too big or too small for you to understand—if you're not sure where to take things from there, think about it for a minute, and then try asking them questions about what exactly they want out of their job. The old adage goes "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it."

To improve employee engagement at your company, first look at how your business structure is laid out. Is everyone on the same page? Do people have similar goals in mind when they come onboard? Does everyone understand how they're making a difference within your business? If not, take some time out and talk through all these details with everyone involved. Here are 4 tips to set you on the right path to building a great employee engagement.

Advocate for Work-life balance

As an employee, you need to know that your company has your back when it comes to achieving a good balance between work and life. While flex-time and work-from-home days are great ways to support employees’ personal time, companies don’t have to stop there. The best companies are able to go beyond just the standard policies and create a culture in which their employees can feel comfortable taking time for themselves. Here are some of the best ways companies can demonstrate this commitment:

  1. Encourage employees to pursue their passions.

  2. Provide opportunities for employees to take advantage of the company’s benefits.

  3. Create office spaces that encourage relaxation.

  4. Offer on-site childcare during the holidays or big events.

  5. Sponsor team building activities like picnics or parties.

Encourage Internal Communication and Conversation

Nothing helps employees feel more connected and committed to your organization than the ability to have a conversation with their peers, managers, and executives. For example, a way to encourage conversation is by having a weekly all hands meeting that people can join in person or remotely. This helps everyone feel like they are a part of something bigger, and it helps them hear directly from the CEO or other high-level executives.

Another great tool is an employee directory that makes it easy for people to find someone's contact details. With this in place, employees can engage in free-flowing conversations that help advance the company mission and keep everyone informed.

A corporate wiki or knowledge management system where people can collaborate on documents is also really useful for sharing information quickly and easily across teams. Plus, when you make all of these things accessible on mobile devices, you enable employees to get the information they need at any time of day from any location—which is important for those who work from home or remotely. To help foster an engaged workforce, consider creating a culture where communication tools are used often and encouraged as much as possible.

Recognize and Reward Achievements

Taking time to recognize and reward employee achievements can help foster engagement, increase productivity, and reduce tension in the work environment. When you notice that your employees have done something excellent, it's a great way to praise them—and it's also a signal to the rest of your team that you're proud of what they've accomplished. It also helps your employees feel as though they're being noticed, which will help them in their work and improve their relationships with other employees.

But while this might appear like a simple gesture that doesn't require much thought, it actually requires quite a lot of planning on your part. For example, unless you have an open-door policy for your staff, you'll need to ensure that any employees who perform above and beyond the call of duty are given time off to celebrate their achievements and properly be recognized for their efforts. This way, not only are you increasing your productivity by fostering a positive workplace environment, but you're also investing in each employee's personal satisfaction and well-being as well as promoting strong bonds between co-workers—an added bonus that can only be appreciated by all involved.

Implement initiatives that push for better Wellbeing of your Employees

A workplace is not just a place to work anymore. It has become a place where people spend half of their lives, and it is necessary for organizations to focus on improving the physical, mental and social wellbeing of their employees. Many organizations have started implementing initiatives that push for better Wellbeing of their Employees. These initiatives are not just good for the employees, but also the organization as a whole. Here are some ways in which companies can improve employee wellbeing:

  1. Take care of their Physical wellbeing: Healthier employees mean less sick leaves and higher productivity which reduces the bottom line cost. Companies should introduce health programs that encourage employees to practice healthy habits like smoking cessation, exercise programs, stress reduction and etc.

  2. Create Mental Wellbeing: Organizations can introduce wellness programs that help with stress-reduction and provide activities and events that will help relieve stress levels among employees. Some companies have started offering meditation and yoga classes at the workplace itself to promote mental health and reduce stress levels among employees.

  3. Socialization: Introducing fun activities like team building events, movie nights, group lunches etc., will allow employees to connect with each other in a different setting outside of work and make friends at the workplace itself.

All this said, engaged employees who feel connected and enthusiastic about their jobs are a top priority for any employer. The reason is simple: happy and engaged employees have been shown to be more creative, more productive, and better problem-solvers than those who are not. All these things result in an environment where employees care about the company’s mission, enjoy what they do on a day to day basis, and ultimately perform better.

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